سْــــــــــــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Hello December. ⭐
Today is day 362 of 366. I still can't believe next Friday we'll be in 2021 already. Time flies too fast and it scares me somehow.
In this 2020. The biggest lesson I learned is not to force anything. Conversation, friendship, attention and love. Anything forced has never last long.
Since it's the last month of the year, I would to thanks everyone who made me smile this year and I just wanna say thank you to all people who have been part of my life this 2020. Tahun ini banyak mengajarkan cara untuk membangun dari kejatuhan. Tahun ini telah membuka mata kepada kita siapa yang benar-ii setia menemani, yang tidak pernah jadikan jarak sebagai alasan. Tahun 2020 adalah tahun membentuk. Moga tahun seterusnya adalah tahun menakluk. Menakluk cahaya, menakluk mimpi. Moga bahagia masih sudi memeluk.
Final week before we enter 2021. Let's make it a great one. ❤

Dear myself,
You did well this year. You met new people, learned new things and felt new feelings. There were some really though nights but you survived them all. 2020 was your year of growth. I hope you take a moment to be kind to yourself, and believe that 2021 will be even better for you. 🎕
ما شاء الله
Najuwa Jaafar || 28 December 2020 || 8:02 pm